Producing Conflict-Free Rough Diamonds
We aim to be the leading producer and preferred supplier of conflict free and premium quality rough diamonds in the region and beyond.
Our Mission
To provide our local, regional and international clients with the best run-off mine and full range of sorted diamonds that are conflict free and produced in an environmentally sustainable way and in accordance with the Kimberly Process.
The Mine
Jessie and Chirasika Mines
Mining, i.e. the extraction of diamondiferous ore, is a 24/7 operation at the Anjin diamond mine.
Sorting Plant
Sorting plant Location
Currently, 5 sort plants are operational, each associated with its dedicated processing plant.
The Headquarters
89 Kingsmead Road, Borrowdale Harare
It is the engine of the company and the second leadership hierarch after the Board.

Community Relations
Anjin embraces the principles of sustainable development, which focus on responsible citizenship in the process of creating value for employees, shareholders and the communities in which it operates.
Security Structure and System
The company’s system is meant to provide maximum security at the processing plant area. The security is provided through fencing, patrol dogs, static guards and reaction teams among others.
Hectares of Mining Land
Carat/Tonne Concentration Grades
Workers Employed
Upcoming Events

08 Sep 2017
Vist to Headman Chiyadzwa

Handover of water pump to Sabhuku Mukwada
Latest from the Blog
Breaking news, updates, trends, and the latest info you need to know about diamonds, mining and Anjin activities both in the i8ndustry and in the community.
Response to Fake Anjin Recruitment
STATEMENT BY ANJIN INVESTMENTS (PVT) LIMITED ON THE FAKE AND SCAM RECRUITMENT BY ONE RYANNE NYAKASAKA Anjin Investment (Pvt) Limited would like to inform to the public that a fraudster and trickster known as Ryanne Nyakasaka has been tricking unsuspecting job seekers...