Social Investments

Social Investments

Anjin Investments Mining Company has a commitment to serve the community from which its operations are based. It has a drive to create sustainable projects whose ability to uplift the lives of communities go beyond the expiry of mining activities.

Anjin embraces the principles of sustainable development, which focus on responsible citizenship in the process of creating value for employees, shareholders and the communities in which it operates. The Company sets out to develop effective partnerships and contribute to national economic development. The main vehicle for this strategy is through investment in infrastructure, local supplier development, and enterprise development.

Bursaries for Mt Matedzi School

Bursaries for Gandauta School

Have a Suggestion Towards our Social Responsibilities?

Engagement with host community stakeholders takes place through formalised structures to strengthen our relationships and foster greater collaboration. We work with our social partners to address community concerns as best we can, and in accordance with our financial means, and you can suggest better ways we can do this using the form below

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Community Relations and Initiatives Examples

Arda Transau.  At the initial stages of the mining activities, families were moved to a relocation facility at Arda Transau and the following was provided for the community:

  • 488 houses,
  • 1 primary school
  • 1 secondary school
  • 1 clinic
  • Two tuckshops
  • Water reticulation system
  • One hectare plot prepared for each     household
  • 13km tarred road
  • Each family given USD1000 start

The relocation facility was handed over to government in 2011.

There has been employment for local people in the company. The majority of workers are from the local area. Other benefits to the community that remained in the area include:

  • Construction of dip tank at Kusena.
  • Providing safe drinking water Chirasika and Muedzengwa villagers.
  • De-siltation of Kurauone Dam.
  • Two water collection points on the new pipeline with plans to add two more.
  • Protection of the environment, replanting of Baobab trees that were removed to make way for our mining activities.
  • Construction of a ten-hole blair toilet at Betera Primary School.

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We aim to attract the best people in the industry and to maximise their potential, increasing organisational capacity and positioning Anjin as an employer of choice.

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